
M1299: Black diamond apple


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Always seems like they didn't get enough sleep. Takes most things too seriously, only occasionally chuckling at dark, mildly humorous comedy... Nightmare has a deep appreciation and care for all life, but prefers to express it through action, not words. They hold grudges very easily, and won't rest until the score is settled. They have a dear "sibling" named Dream, and the two are self-proclaimed protectors of the forest they inhabit.


Owner: hoppang

Obtained: Nursery Purchase, 35000 crumbs

Designer: hoppang

Artist: hoppang

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Magic Status: None


Species: Arborling

Theme: Black diamond apple, Silver

Variant: Normal

Plant Growth: Head, chest and tail sprouts

Optional: Sword

Mutation: Coloured Sclera/Shaped Pupil, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Multiple Tails, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Medium Fur, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Melty Body, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Cyclops, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form




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