
G0895: Donut Shop Employee Uniform

Lixue (He/him)

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An irritable donut shop employee who needs to go a long way to work every day. Almost always bad-tempered and doesn't like people, much less customers, but is good at his job and enjoys actually making the donuts. He'll smile at you and hate your guts. He calls it his customer service smile. If he's not treated with the respect everyone should be treated with, he'll be patronizing and hope the door hits you on the way out. He just wants a thank you.


Owner: TinyAndroid

Obtained: Sale: $150

Designer: StarBitzi

Artist: StarBitzi

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Currently Listed! (Click to View Info)

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Magic Status: None


Species: Thimblet

Theme: Donut Shop Employee Uniform, Kigurumi

Variant: Kigurumi

Ears: Pricked

Horns: Naked

Tail: Bow

Tufts: Elegant

Alternate Form




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