
G1607: Baby's Breath

Artiya Milk

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Very shy, spooks and cries easily. Soft and fluffy. Because of their Oozes mutation, they often have tissues and handkerchiefs that they wash regularly close by, even if the teary liquid dissolves quickly and flows off their fur like water droplets on leaves. Loves stuffed animals, collects them along with pressed flowers in their personal flower book. Artiya loves to nap and set up their room or places they're hanging out in with soft with blankets, pillows, and plushies.


Owner: Saphleon

Obtained: Trade

Designer: scare

Artist: scare

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Magic Status: None


Species: Arborling

Theme: Baby's Breath, Common

Variant: Druidic

Plant Growth: Hips

Optional: Bow

Mutation: Compound Eyes, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Oozes, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Shimmer Pelt, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Angora, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



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Trade History

From UserTo UserMethodDate
TinyAndroid Saphleon Trade 2021-07-28 23:34:52

Catalogued Design

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