
G1118: Silver and Gold Sugar Cookie


Owner: grottotome

Obtained: Trade

Designer: Soren

Original Designer: Soren

Artist: Soren

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Magic Status: None


Species: Strudel

Theme: Silver and Gold Sugar Cookie, Common

Variant: Household

Ears: Elven, pedigree rarity

Horns: Antler, uncommon rarity

Tail: Tufted, pedigree rarity

Mutation: Cupid Wings, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Angora, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



No bound pets


Trade History

From UserTo UserMethodDate
glitteryrose grottotome Trade 2022-06-06 15:15:36
oujibanii glitteryrose Trade 2022-01-21 21:51:59
SpacePvppy oujibanii Trade 2021-05-30 19:45:13
Soren SpacePvppy Trade 2021-04-21 00:10:41
Frenkle Soren Trade 2020-01-15 23:25:32
lunarlion Frenkle Trade 2019-11-21 17:48:18
Faisia lunarlion Sold, USD: $80 2019-10-31 10:21:33

Catalogued Design

Designer: Soren

Ears: Elven, pedigree rarity

Horns: Antler, uncommon rarity

Tail: Tufted, pedigree rarity

Mutation: Cupid Wings, exclusive rarity