
M1150: Radioactive Cake



Owner: Alexdream12

Obtained: Trade

Designer: Sylkanin

Original Designer: PlushFaerie

Artist: Sylkanin

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Currently Listed! (Click to View Info)

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Available Mana: 5

Magic Status:

Apothecary (Level 0)


Species: Strudel

Theme: Radioactive Cake, Common

Variant: Trickster

Ears: Hoodie, pedigree rarity

Horns: Shaped, pedigree rarity

Tail: Tufted, pedigree rarity

Mutation: Coloured Sclera/Shaped Pupil, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Melty Body, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Plush Body, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



No bound pets


No stabled mounts

Trade History

From UserTo UserMethodDate
Sylkanin Alexdream12 Trade 2020-10-09 01:13:16
pixility Sylkanin Trade 2020-05-26 18:15:10
plxledust pixility Trade 2020-01-24 06:22:15
PlushFaerie plxledust Trade 2019-09-23 22:50:37
gorezoi PlushFaerie Trade 2019-09-09 21:22:11

Catalogued Design

Designer: PlushFaerie

Ears: Hoodie, pedigree rarity

Horns: Shaped, pedigree rarity

Tail: Tufted, pedigree rarity

Mutation: Coloured Sclera/Shaped Pupil, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Melty Body, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Plush Body, exclusive rarity