
G1302: Pink Marshmallow Sheep Cupcake


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ITS JUST JOSHUA ON THE BEACH BABEEYYYYYY!!! He lives on the beach and likes to hang out with those that live there/come to visit! He's famous but nobody knows why-- He cannot swim and will make excuses not to-


Owner: Missaroo

Obtained: Trade

Designer: FunfettiFairy

Original Designer: FunfettiFairy

Artist: Rishybu

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Available Mana: 5

Magic Status:

Elemental (Level 0)


Species: Strudel

Theme: Pink Marshmallow Sheep Cupcake, Common

Variant: Household

Ears: Spaniel, common rarity

Horns: Ram, uncommon rarity

Tail: Creampuff, common rarity

Mutation: Angora, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



No bound pets


No stabled mounts

Trade History

From UserTo UserMethodDate
Saphleon Missaroo Trade 2022-06-29 17:01:59
TinyAndroid Saphleon Trade 2022-06-19 23:35:07
Zero TinyAndroid Sold, USD: $100 2022-05-03 18:48:38

Catalogued Design

Designer: FunfettiFairy

Ears: Spaniel, common rarity

Horns: Ram, uncommon rarity

Tail: Creampuff, common rarity

Mutation: Angora, exclusive rarity

Credit: allibunn