
M3671: Spider Cupcake


Puppy is a wanna-be gamer girl, complete with the neko headset and pink set up. She's not very good at any of the games she plays, but plays supports because "they're cuter". Puppy is a pouter, loosing matches breaks her little heart and causes her to pout, though she doesn't intend to bring anyone else in the party down!


Owner: Goob

Obtained: Nursery Purchase, 55000 crumbs

Designer: Goob

Artist: Goob

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Currently Listed! (Click to View Info)

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Available Mana: 5

Magic Status:

Taming (Level 0)


Species: Strudel

Theme: Spider Cupcake, Common

Variant: Household

Ears: Spaniel, common rarity

Horns: Nub, common rarity

Tail: Creampuff, common rarity

Mutation: Gel Pads, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Peepers, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Glyphic or Blackout Eyes, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



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