
G3967: Arts n Craft Scraps


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(they/them) Scrap, living in Seaside, loves to lay out on the bridges and rocks of the gorgeous city to sunbathe and create chalk art. They live with a roommate and while most of the home is nice and clean, their room seems to have been hit with a colorful hurricane of paper, glitter, pipe cleaners, and more. They spend almost all their time creating, whether it's in the privacy of their home or out in the town square.


Owner: ferlajayce

Obtained: OTA

Designer: FunfettiFairy

Artist: FunfettiFairy

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Magic Status: None


Species: Strudel

Theme: Arts n Craft Scraps, Trickster

Variant: Trickster

Ears: Hoodie, pedigree rarity

Horns: Shaped, pedigree rarity

Tail: Standard, common rarity

Mutation: Plush Body, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Kangaroo Pouch, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Shimmer Eyes, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Animated Markings, exclusive rarity

Alternate Form



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