
M3562: Foam Dart

Nifty [he/she]

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Bit of a tough crybaby, he puts up a mean front to avoid being bullied. She's a member of a no-good trickster gang and usually runs errands around the back alleys; her many peepers make her the best for surveillance. His tail constantly tries to bite at his head.


Owner: arrnubs

Obtained: Nursery Purchase, 55000 crumbs

Designer: arrnubs

Artist: arrnubs

Currently Tradeable!

For Trade?: Not Currently Listed

Gift Art?: Feel free to draw this Midveiler!

Magic Status: None


Species: Strudel

Theme: Foam Dart, Trickster

Variant: Trickster

Ears: Batty, pedigree rarity

Horns: Ram, uncommon rarity

Tail: Squirrel, uncommon rarity

Mutation: Peepers, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Living Tail, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Glyphic or Blackout Eyes, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Ridges, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Dullahan, exclusive rarity

Mutation: Trickster Jagged Mouth, trickster rarity

Alternate Form



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